August 12, 2008

Consumer Reports Available Online at Home from the Troy Public Library

Thinking about buying a new appliance for your home? How about the latest MP3 player or laptop? Trading in your automobile for a new model?

Often when people are planning big purchases, buying something new about which they know little, or deciding between competing models, they turn to Consumer Reports. CR has been evaluating and grading consumer products since 1933. Since that time, CR has been a staple in public libraries across the country.

Now you can find the information you need from Consumer Reports right from the comfort of your home -- as long as you have an internet connection and a Troy Public Library card.

That's right. Just go to the Library's website and click on the Information on Demand -- All Day, Every Day link in the middle of the page. That will take you to our Databases and Electronic Resources list.

From there, click on the Alphabetical Listing of Databases link, and go to the letter G. CR is in a database called General OneFile. Click on General OneFile and enter your 14-digit Library card number, when prompted.

There you will find a search box. Enter your search term, and enter Consumer Reports, where it says Limit results by publication title. You will be able to search all CRs from 1999 to the present.

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