February 26, 2009

Newspapers Grow Online, Shrink in Print

According to the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press, Newspapers Face a Challenging Calculus:

The trend is unmistakable: Fewer Americans are reading print newspapers as more turn to the Internet for their news. And while the percentage of people who read newspapers online is growing rapidly, especially among younger generations, that growth has not offset the decline in print readership.

In the Pew Research Center's 2008 news media consumption survey, 39% said they read a newspaper yesterday -- either print or online -- down from 43% in 2006. The proportion reporting that they read just the print version of a newspaper fell by roughly a quarter, from 34% to 25% over the two-year period.

Overall newspaper readership declined in spite of an increase in the number of people reading online newspapers: 14% of Americans said they read a newspaper online yesterday, up from 9% in 2006. This includes those who said they read only a newspaper online (9% in 2008), as well as those who said they read both print and Web versions of a newspaper (5%). These numbers may not include the number of people who read content produced by newspapers, but accessed through aggregation sites or portals such as Google or Yahoo.


John Robertson said...

This highlights the point: Rocky Mtn. News in Denver closing after Friday edition

Maria said...

While I sympathize with anyone losing their job due to newspapers changing format from print to online, I am not surprised by this. I only read the newspaper online & actually find it very wasteful (& redundant) to have it also in print form. People will need to adapt or they will be left behind forever.